WORKSHOP October 20th 2023
Introducing a new system for
evaluating primary stability
October 20th 2023
As we all know, primary stability is the cornerstone of immediate loading.
Nonetheless, none of the many methods used today can provide a measurement that truly indicates the true loadability of an implant; at best they only provide an insufficient amount of limited information.
As a result, the dentist does not have the necessary information when making the most important decision of them all: Shall I load the implant or not?.
Over many years, Dr Degidi and Dr Daprile have carried out research and trials on this crucial topic, producing a large amount of published literature in the process.
Thanks to the use of advanced Artificial Intelligence software (with the support of Bien-Air, a leading dental company), it has been possible to use this vast amount of scrupulously analysed clinical and research data to develop an algorithm that finally resolves this issue.
This algorithm, installed in the iChiropro surgical unit, is able to answer instantly and reliably the key question 'Can I load this implant?
During the workshop, there will be the opportunity to learn how the algorithm works with different implants macrodesign in various clinical contexts.
2.00 pm Bien-Air - Brief intro, field test report
2.30 pm Dr Marco Degidi - Primary stability: the cornerstone of immediate loading
3.30 pm Dr Giuseppe Daprile - How we developed the Artificial Intelligence Algorithm
4.00 pm Coffee Break
4.30 pm Dr Degidi and Dr Daprile - Presentation of different clinical implant installations and Algorithm answers; results interpretation; false positive and negative results: future developments
5.30 pm Conclusions
Event venue
Conference Centre Best Western Plus Tower Hotel
Via Lenin 43 - 40138 Bologna (Italy)
Languages: English
Congress and Workshop registration fee: € 400,00 (vat included)

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